⇒ Free Research Viewer to view Research Shared using Share Manager for iPhone
✓ Assets ✓ Diary ✓ Market Cap ✓ Notes ✓ Projects ✓ News
⇒ Track ONE of your Portfolios
✓ ISA ✓ SIPP ✓ Trading Account ✓ Watchlist
Investing is not just a matter of watching the Stock Market - it also involves researching your investments.
This revolutionary app provides:
✔ streaming financial data across all the major World stock markets
✔ View Assets
- P1, P2, P3, P10, P20, P30, P40, P50, P60, P70, P80, P90...
- Oil, Gas and Natural Gas Liquids
- bbl, Mbbl, MMbbl, cuft, Mcf, MMcf, Tcf, gal, Mgal, MMgal
- Multi-Currency calculations
- converts all asset valuations to your local currency
- select which valuations to include in your total
✔ View Diary
- view a diary of important events
✔ View Market Cap
- Shares, Options, etc
- Market Cap based on selected Share Categories and current SP
- Market Cap converted to your local currency
✔ View Notes
- view a Notebook of information about your investment
✔ View Projects
- view a record of Projects, Operations and Progress
✔ View News
- review the latest News
✔ Collaborate
- received research by email from Collaborators using Share Manager for iPhone
- tap on the email to open Collaborator Research in Share Manager Lite
✔ Features
- add shares by ticker, ticker and exchange, company name or part thereof
- over 60 exchanges supported around the World
- Help Alerts
- choose local currency
- choose date format
✔ Support
- Sample Research is included in the App
- Help
- Bug Reporting
- Feature Requests
- User Manuals - developed using the new iBooks Author
"I am the lead developer of Share Manager and I use this app to manage all my own investments and research. Share Manager Lite provides a viewer interface with which to view shared research from other people. I can see this suite of apps growing into a must-have resource for not just me, but thousands of other investors like me around the World."
- John Dunning